Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Melt Away

Sometimes things just need to melt. We become accustomed to support and strength found in things frozen, like statues, like memories. An era we've lived through and know all too well, frozen in our hearts and visions of our lives. But in the melting comes, too, the nurturing - the same molecules which stay put for so long, when melted away, take different shape. A different meaning.

This minute moment comes on the day before Inauguration Day 2009.

Please enjoy, "Melt Away"

Thursday, December 25, 2008

White Noise

Isn't this season just the pits? We ride the highs and lows of the holiday wave for weeks until days until the hours when we find ourselves writing cards or playing cards, cooking ham or hamming it up, rushing around only to find peace right where we left it - there, here, in silence. Don't think I'm preaching against the extremes or the festivities of this crazy time of year, but perhaps I'm offering a friendly reminder of all that is around us: us, ourselves, family and friends.

This Minute Moment happened about a week ago while walking LeAbbey, our house ChowChowLab. She has her route, and we've enjoyed one another for a few morning already, when she decided to stop and just wait a moment before deciding which direction to head toward. I figured I might as well too, and then got lost, and found, within my surroundings.

Please enjoy "White Noise"

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Feet Walk

These shoes spent me out of $20 a year or so ago from Salvation Army - and trust me, they've been through a lot. They've been my work shoes for 3 different jobs, have walked all over Washington, D.C., the Metro Detroit area, and now, again, Ann Arbor, MI. While walking home the other night after a holiday party I was surprised by how cold and wet my left foot felt. It wasn't until the next day I found that the bottom of the shoe is completely ripped open, now on it's last leg.

But as I cannot quite yet afford a new pair, this Minute Moment comes from this past Sunday while at work. The store is a great space for the kind of walking I enjoy, especially as these shoes have given me many, many great walking moments.

Please enjoy, Feet Walk